
##The Vortex This website hosts and acts as a research portal for information regarding the Great Pacific Garbage Patch from an environmental perspective. This webpage hosts both the first example of our fictional podcast, The Vortex, as well as citations to the compiled primary and secondary research presented in the podcast.

All views on this webpage our our own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the original researches cited nor any other bodies.

##Original Templage Information

Design studio one page template - ARCHIVED

Flat and responsive website template, designed by cssauthor and coded by Maxim Orlov.

Demo: http://website-templates.github.io/design-studio_one-page-template

Mockup demo Product mockup created with http://frame.lab25.co.uk/


Folder and file structure

├── .editorconfig
├── gulpfile.js
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── gulp_tasks/                                * gulp tasks
|   ├── config/                                * gulp tasks config
│   |   ├── paths.js
│   |   └── aliases.js
│   |
|   └── task.js
├── screenshots/                               * responsive test screenshots
├── dev/                                       * site source
│   ├── images/                                * image sources
|   │
│   ├── pug/                                   * templates
|   |   ├── blocks/                            * blocks library
|   │   |   └── block.pug
|   │   ├── helpers/                           * helper mixins
|   │   ├── vendor/                            * third-party code
|   │   ├── layouts/                           * page layouts
|   │   └── pages/                             * main pages templates
|   │
│   ├── js/                                    * source js
|   |   ├── vendor/                            * vendor scripts library
|   |   ├── lib/                               * site scripts library
|   │   ├── head.js                            * head scripts
|   │   └── body.js                            * body scripts
|   │
|   ├── sass/                                  * sass preprocessor styles
|   |   ├── blocks/                            * blocks library
|   │   |   └── block.sass
|   │   ├── helpers/                           * mixins and vars
|   │   ├── vendor/                            * third-party code
|   │   ├── custom.sass
|   │   ├── noscript.sass
|   │   └── screen.sass
|   │
│   ├── helpers/                               * helper files
|   |   ├── favicon.ico
|   |   └── .htaccess
|   │
│   ├── fonts/                                 * font sources
|   │
│   └── data/                                  * configs and data for templates
└── build/                                     * built source
    ├── index.html
    ├── page.html
    └── static/                                * static assets
        ├── css/                               * minified styles
        ├── images/                            * minified images
        ├── js/                                * minified assembled js
        └── fonts/                             * @font-face-ready webfonts



This project has an .editorconfig file at the root. It describes indent style, trailing whitespaces etc. See more details here

How to start

If you haven’t used Gulp before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, also check these recips

Before start you need to have installed npm , as well as gulp globally.

A few simple steps to start:

Site configuration

This boilerplate uses Pug templates with external data configs. Main settings can be found in dev/data/config.json file. And they’re available for usage in templates with config.key-name


Here comes groups ofgulp tasks with some explanations


Remove placeholders from work directories. Gulp: gulp cleanup


Dev task with static server. Gulp: gulp dev


Build task. Gulp: gulp build


Regenerate and build project by running all tasks. Gulp: gulp rebuild


Run server without watching for changes. Gulp: gulp server

Live reload

This project uses BrowserSync as static server with enabled and configured live reload option.
